#StreamingForSUGA Donation Project

Savage Love is funded worldwide across ALL PLATFORMS in collaboration with the following Twitter fanbases: @SUGAFundSupport @JungkookAsia_ @CNSfunds Please request funds according to the schedule below.
Today marks the first anniversary of Interlude: Shadow! Join our streaming party at 12am KST and celebrate with us. #1YearWithShadow Playlists for Spotify and YouTube: Spotify https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1Ri02B60jjKpALPW7KpEMw?si=Mub-6130Sr682Eqk_vOSsA YouTube https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7kriExmZReP2kltsaqXCYGMjwaKaWnYv Organised by SUGA Stream Team
We’re celebrating ???? 1 MONTH WITH D-2 ???? and as SUGA Fanbases, we have prepared many activities so we can all have fun together! See the poster below to know more and join the celebration! Spread the word ???? Organizers: @SUGAnews93 @dSUGA_1993 @StreamForSuga @SugaNaverBlog @AllForMinSuga
We’re glad to announce our Shadow Streaming Campaign named #ShadowHour! This YouTube and Spotify streaming campaign will start on Nov 2, 12am KST! Please save the date! Playlists These are our suggested playlists to maximize Shadow streams, but you are free to join us with any playlist. Spotify #ShadowHour by StreamforSG YouTube Shadow + SUGA…