방탄소년단 슈가 (BTS SUGA) currently is #1 hot search in Naver
It’s great to see SUGA trending! He is currently is #1 hot search in Naver based on 17:30 ~ 20:30.
It’s great to see SUGA trending! He is currently is #1 hot search in Naver based on 17:30 ~ 20:30.
IU闵玧其合作 (IU and BTS SUGA Collab) is currently trending at #24 in Weibo with over 456k mentions! Chinese ARMYs are definitely excited for this!
‘SUGA COMING SOON’ is currently trending Worldwide. Notice how his name is its own Twitter subject ???? He also trended at #9, then climbed to #8 in South Korea as K-ARMYshared: ‘Yoongi interview’