방탄소년단 슈가 (BTS SUGA) currently is #1 hot search in Naver
It’s great to see SUGA trending! He is currently is #1 hot search in Naver based on 17:30 ~ 20:30.
It’s great to see SUGA trending! He is currently is #1 hot search in Naver based on 17:30 ~ 20:30.
SUGA is currently trending at #7 on Twipple Japan Real Time Charts following his latest twitter post.
IU闵玧其合作 (IU and BTS SUGA Collab) is currently trending at #24 in Weibo with over 456k mentions! Chinese ARMYs are definitely excited for this!
He first appeared in the Worldwide trends at #25! We couldn’t have enough of Yoongi and his mullet. He then rose to #13 with over 77 thousand realtime tweets! Yoongi was also trending in Korea at #21 Finally, he started trending on Twipple as well. He first appeared at #3 and quickly rose to #2….