방탄소년단 슈가 (BTS SUGA) currently is #1 hot search in Naver
It’s great to see SUGA trending! He is currently is #1 hot search in Naver based on 17:30 ~ 20:30.
It’s great to see SUGA trending! He is currently is #1 hot search in Naver based on 17:30 ~ 20:30.
Aiman Index Chart is a measure of an artist’s commercial value and is one of the most authoritative commercial/brand value analysis chart in China. Yoongi is #1 among Korean Artists! And #17 among all artists! (He’s the only Korean Artist on this chart)
We all want to move to the United Arab Emirates now since SUGA trends there almost daily!
“Our Yoongi” and “Yoongi Oppa” are currently trending at #2 and #20 in Twitter South Korea after his latest Twitter post.
Twipple is a web application for Twitter in Japan. It’s easy to check what is trending and what people are tweeting right now in Japan. It’s great to see SUGA’s popularity rising and for everyone to get excited for his pictures because… THEY ARE AMAZING! So let’s go leave some love on the original tweet…
SUGA is currently trending at #7 on Twipple Japan Real Time Charts following his latest twitter post.
The hashtag trended in more than 53 countries and had over 129K tweets!