SUGA trends at #1 on Aiman Daily Charts
Aiman Index Chart is a measure of an artist’s commercial value and is one of the most authoritative commercial/brand value analysis chart in China.
Aiman Index Chart is a measure of an artist’s commercial value and is one of the most authoritative commercial/brand value analysis chart in China.
SUGA ranked #10 (-4) on the January Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings
“I have no doubt our LOVE MYSELF Campaign is going stronger than ever!” SUGA Check out their 3rd Anniversary Message: Source: LOVE MYSELF
It’s great to see SUGA trending! He is currently is #1 hot search in Naver based on 17:30 ~ 20:30.
Up seven places, “Blueberry Eyes” earns the #50 ranking on the radio this week. The MAX-SUGA collaboration received 258 spins, increasing last week’s mark by 125. Source: Headline Planet
SUGA ranked #4 (+11) on the March Boy Group Member Brand Reputation Rankings