방탄소년단 슈가 (BTS SUGA) currently is #1 hot search in Naver
It’s great to see SUGA trending! He is currently is #1 hot search in Naver based on 17:30 ~ 20:30.
It’s great to see SUGA trending! He is currently is #1 hot search in Naver based on 17:30 ~ 20:30.
SUGA has 5 hashtags trending in the Melon Real Time Search Charts! #2 에잇 (eight) #4 SUGA #5 에이트(literal translation of eight) #6 새벽에 (ETERNAL SUNSHINE) #10 WINE This collab is going to be epic!
‘SUGA COMING SOON’ is currently trending Worldwide. Notice how his name is its own Twitter subject ???? He also trended at #9, then climbed to #8 in South Korea as K-ARMYshared: ‘Yoongi interview’
“Our Yoongi” and “Yoongi Oppa” are currently trending at #2 and #20 in Twitter South Korea after his latest Twitter post.
SUGA and his related hashtags have trended on Twitter for 5 days now! It all started with his DJ SUGA tweet + hashtag on 4/23 where he said he would answer all our questions about BTS. And since then SUGA hasn’t stopped trending a single day! Shortly afterwards on 4/24 “Yoongi Live” started trending after…